Greenhead Lodge can help with arranging your golf package for the near thirty courses across Dumfries and Galloway.
Visit Scotland has produced a very useful pocket guide which will give a flavour of the huge variety of courses on offer and allow a preliminary assessment of what itinerary might best suit your playing intentions.
We at Greenhead, no pun intended, can then give additional advice as necessary and make enquiries on your behalf regarding bookings at the individual courses, including your catering needs. A bespoke package can be tailored to your party's size and the duration of stay.
Don't be deterred if your party isn't particularly into self catering, as almost all golf clubs provide visitor hostpitality and of course Dumfries and the surrounding area is well served with eateries. The Lodge can also arrange your provisions requirements for breakfasts, removing yet another minor diversion from the serious business of golf and a relaxing holiday.